Welcome to The Edge

The Edge 4-Quadrant Model Process

Optimize Claims. Reduce Costs. Drive Success.

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The Edge 4-Quadrant Model Process

whiteboard presentation

Experience the power of visual thinking with our Whiteboard Presentation. With its minimalistic approach, the whiteboard becomes a canvas for innovation, enabling you to explore new possibilities and find innovative solutions that will give you a competitive edge.

Operational Assessment

Efficiency and effectiveness are the pillars of success. Our Operational Assessment delves deep into your business operations, uncovering opportunities for improvement and streamlining processes.

“Partnering” Meeting

Success is only achieved with support. In our "Partnering" Meeting, we combine our expertise and industry knowledge to form a powerful alliance. We listen to your goals, challenges, and aspirations, working collaboratively to design tailored strategies for you to reduce workers’ compensation costs

Business Plan

A well-crafted business plan is your roadmap to success. With a sharp and focused plan, you'll be equipped to navigate the ever-changing business landscape confidently.

Implementation / Monitoring

We guide you through every step, monitoring progress, making necessary adjustments, and keeping you informed at every stage. With our dedicated team, you can rest assured that your vision will be transformed into a tangible reality, delivering the desired outcomes for your business.



Opening Hours

Mon – Fri: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM MST
Sat – Sun: Closed



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The Edge Company's streamlined solution for efficient workers' compensation management.
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