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Oil Change

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Oil Change

Changing the oil in your car is usually a quick and painless procedure at a modern automotive service center. However, lubricating oil in your vehicle is vitally important to its well-being. Many drivers rely solely on mileage as a gauge of when their oil needs to be replaced, but other factors include the oil's quality, the car's age, and how the vehicle is driven.

Why should oil changes be carried out regularly?

Oil changes are an essential part of maintaining your vehicle's engine. Professional mechanics perform a full inspection and replace any necessary components, such as oil filters, air filters, and spark plugs. This will ensure your engine is running at its best and helps minimize the risk of problems down the road. Plus, regular oil changes can help save you money in the long run by preventing costly repairs

Why should I have my oil change done by a professional?

Our certified team of expert technicians will make your oil change as simple as possible. We're here not just for quick and affordable oil changes but also to educate you about the best oil change service for your vehicle. For example, should your car's engine use conventional or synthetic oil? And what is the difference? We'll also evaluate your vehicle and your driving style to let you know how often your oil needs to be changed. In addition, our team will consider the grade of oil being used, the amount and type of driving being done, and the age of your vehicle to provide you with the best oil change service possible.

Contact Info

Contact phone:303.883.3162

Opening Hours

Mon – Fri: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM MST
Sat – Sun: Closed

Click & Learn

Thicker Motor Oil
Black Oil
Oil Change Every 3 Months
Synthetic Oil Causes Leaks
Switching Between Types

Thicker Motor Oil


I need a thicker motor oil for extra wear protection.


This is one of the most common car care myths out there. First off, it is anti-wear additives (ZDDP or “zinc”) in the motor oil formulation that provides proper wear protection, not the motor oil viscosity grade. Using a motor oil that is too thick may decrease engine efficiency.

Black Oil


If your oil is black then you definitely have to change it.


The main reason that motor oil darkens is due to oxidation, which happens much more rapidly when the motor oil is exposed to high engine temperatures. Motor oil also darkens as it absorbs by-products from combustion. This means your motor oil is doing its job! Always follow the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended oil change interval.

Oil Change Every 3 Months


You should change your oil every 3 months or 3,000 miles.


While this rule-of-thumb may have been useful decades ago, the truth is that for the most part, it simply doesn’t apply anymore. Between the advancement in today’s vehicle technology and the improvement in oil quality, many new vehicles can actually go 7,500 – 10,000 miles or more between oil changes.

Synthetic Oil Causes Leaks


Synthetic oil causes leaks.


These fears are largely unfounded. Oil manufacturers long ago learned to reformulate synthetic oil so that seal shrinkage doesn't occur, at least on modern cars.

Switching Between Types


You can't switch between synthetic and conventional oil.


Another misconception is that you can’t switch between synthetic and conventional oil. Here is the official notice: it is OK to switch back-and-forth between conventional oil and synthetic oil. No harm done!

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