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Wheel Alignment

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Wheel Alignment

If you're wondering, "do I need a wheel alignment," the answer is probably yes. Alignments help to keep your wheels pointed in the right direction, and when misaligned, you may encounter a few uncomfortable and potentially hazardous symptoms. From decreased fuel economy, premature tire wear, and difficulty steering, wheel alignments are critical to vehicle maintenance.

What is wheel alignment?

Alignment of the wheel means that all the wheels of the car are correctly aligned in the way they should be. With time and usage of a vehicle, these settings usually need adjustment to keep them properly aligned. Proper wheel alignment for a car plays a significant role in the vehicle's motion dynamics. Technically, it ensures that the geometric angles of the Caster, Camber, and Toe are correct in a tire. If you don't know these angles, you need not worry. Instead, ensure you get the alignment done regularly; well, how frequently.

When to get the wheels checked for alignment?

  • Your vehicle took a hit (curb or god-forbid any other vehicle)
  • You notice an uneven or abnormal tire wear
  • You experience handling issues like the car pulling off towards left or right and the steering not returning quickly after you take a turn
  • When you replace your steering and suspension components, make sure you don't return home without a wheel alignment check at that service center
  • For any of the above cases or after driving for 50,000 km, a wheel alignment is recommended

The importance of wheel alignment for your vehicle

We promote regular maintenance service for your vehicle, including wheel alignment service. Regular maintenance is essential to help avoid costly repairs later on, and misalignment occurs reasonably often with most vehicles. Your vehicle can become misaligned from various causes, but one of the leading causes are potholes, bumpy roads, and minor collisions. Generally, the first sign that your vehicle is misaligned is uneven tread on your tires, and some drivers will also notice their vehicle pulling firmly to either the right or the left. Once you see either of these symptoms, bringing your vehicle to our shop for a wheel alignment is essential. Ignoring a misaligned vehicle can result in more extensive repairs and services, including replacing your tires sooner due to uneven wear.

Contact Info

Contact phone:303.883.3162

Opening Hours

Mon – Fri: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM MST
Sat – Sun: Closed

Click & Learn

Excessive Tire Wear
Non-straight Steering wheel
It Must Be Done Every Year
Car Pulling to One Side
4 Wheel Alignment

Excessive Tire Wear


Excessive tire wear means you need an alignment


If most of the tread on your tires is gone, you probably need new tires. But if the wear is noticeably uneven, the problem could be the alignment, so you'll need to have it checked out with a mechanic.

Non-straight Steering wheel


My car's steering wheel is not straight, so I assume my alignment is off.


This one is technically true; it just needs some clarification. The toe adjustments are used to set the total toe (left side plus right side) and to center the steering wheel. The actual position of the steering wheel, however, is cosmetic.

It Must Be Done Every Year


Wheel alignment is maintenance; it needs to be done every year.


Wheel alignment is a repair; it only needs to be done when there is a problem. A proper wheel alignment can last many years and sometimes the vehicle's life. One primary indication of a possible alignment problem is tire wear.

Car Pulling to One Side


Alignment is to blame if the car pulls to one side.


While an out-of-whack alignment is often responsible for vehicles pulling to one side while driving, it's not the only possibility. For example, low air pressure in a tire, a damaged tire, or tires of different sizes or tread designs can cause the same problem.

4 Wheel Alignment


Not all vehicles need four-wheel alignment.


All four wheels should be checked for alignment, but many vehicles will not require an adjustment in the rear. In this case, the front is merely referenced to the rear, providing the same benefit at a lower cost.

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